
Showing posts from February, 2021

A Bit about Myself

"Now, of my threescore years and ten, / Twenty will not come again", writes Alfred Edward Housman in his poem “Loveliest of Trees”, which, like all other creative pieces in the world, does impart a precious lesson upon all human beings that each man does need to and have to make something new, as and when, he stays alive, since, mankind is encompassed with temporal limits since birth. Like all others, I, too, foster an utmost desire to fructify my dreams in reality. Having lost twenty-seven priceless years in my life, I look forward to wasting no more time, in order to hold my head high and to make a place for myself in the world. Of course, every person is gifted with a talent, but his genius lies in its utilization. That is to say, I yearn to endeavor heart and soul and make the most of it, in order to contribute something to my Mother Earth. It is genuine and true that I dream to be a good writer, but simultaneously, I ought to acknowledge that one's vocation can

Duty of Both the Sides

Do you trust that media has lost its credibility? Don't you opine that everything is as usual? A few weeks ago, Manisha overheard a conversation in the local train, while she was returning home from her college. Three or four ladies were busy in discussing about the credibility that media holds at present. They believed, “ It is the media that tries to cater spicy news to the people for its own profit. ” One of them said, “ I can make a mention of the accident, in which, the youth was pushed out off the train. Don't you think that the news channels overtly emphasized the issue? ” Sometime later, another lady commented, “ ...but I'm of the opinion that print media is indispensable even now-a-days. Yes, it is true that there's something corrupt in everything, still we can't live without it, because living without media is like a life with no light. ” It became intolerable for Manisha to listen to the ongoing discourse any more. She, abruptly, protested, “ No

Dream to Become an Ideal Journalist

I dream to know and to explore the world from a large perspective. Apart from that, I yearn to speak the inevitable truth candidly enough, in order to convey it to the people. Simultaneously, I aspire to know the mass with much proximity and circulate their views also while expressing my own. Of course, I do intend to write creatively and freely enough so that I can hold my head high as an honest and as an established journalist. I trust wholeheartedly that it is the significant role of a journalist to interact with all human beings, irrespective of their social status and so on. He ought to be an egalitarian indeed by his nature, in order never to discriminate between two persons, since he is the mirror of the society. I personally want to undertake this vocation by learning heart and soul how to perform my role as a responsible citizen. Instead of taking it as a dry duty, I want to connect myself to the democracy with my pen with utmost and unadulterated love for mankind. Just li

"Mahanagar": A Film Review

In the Bengali film 'Mahanagar' (meaning 'mega-city') completed in 1963, Satyajit Ray moves away from the stereotypical entertainment world to that of utmost and complete realism. Unlike other movies, the dual selves of each character with both bright and dark sides have been portrayed here. In this perspective, we behold the gradual, evolutionary transition of the female protagonist, Arati, who, from an ordinary lower middle class Bengali woman becomes a full-fledged, a self-dependent lady with confidence and moral principles. Moreover, the city of Kolkata fosters a cosmopolitan character of its own, with the contrast between its Bengali society and the Anglo-Indian one. The trams and the crowd are two remarkable features present here. Later, the couple gets merged there. Among the other characters, Bhombal, Benu, the parents-in law, Edith and the old students are note-worthy. Each possesses a split personality, a combination of both sides of human character. Wit

Liberty under Control

  There are numerous festivals observed in India, a land of harmony. The choicest one is that of flying kites, especially to the young generation. A kite signifies manifold notions, like liberty, playfulness, mirth and so on. However, the underlying truth that it epitomises every optimistic idea within a boundary is inevitable. That is to say, a flying kite is always under the control of a person. The kite festival is fundamentally celebrated on the joyful day of Biswakarma Puja, as and when, the blue sky puts on colourful attires, regaling all and sundry. Creating great excitement especially among the children, the day becomes a marvel and novelty to them. Although, it comes once every year, the utmost longing and yearlong wait of all human beings is discernible all the time. Apart from that, it reminds us that the worship of goddess Durga is not far behind. The smiling faces of the kids, the wonder how to fly their kites in the farthest sky, the daylong experience prevail over

Death Adorned with Life

Have you ever felt the sensation of awe indeed? The South Park Street Cemetery in Kolkata is the perfect and ideal place to arouse such emotions. Established in 1767, it is an admixture of the Gothic and the Indo-Saracenic style. The moment you step in here, a peculiar feeling that is a blend of utmost respect for the departed persons and a kind of slight fear that their souls are still there will gradually creep into your mind. Before entering the burial ground, the security told us to submit the bags for the time being for the sake of checking with an inaudible voice. Thereafter, when nobody heard him, he started shouting at us. Interestingly, when he came to know that the visitors were from the press, his shouting voice turned into the sweetest melody like requests. What a rapid change! Then a perfect guide was found. Kalachand Gomasta, a resident of Khardah, has been working in the graveyard for so many years. Escorting all of us was truly a source of sheer delight for him. H

A Note on "The Story of Stuff"

We, the entire humankind, should and ought to work in unity. “The Story of Stuff”, written and performed by Annie Leonard, fundamentally portrays the notions of sustainable production and consumption. In this regard, we come across five procedures, namely, extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal, none of which can really run our planet without people. Although, we utter that every government is of the people, for the people and by the people, the basic truth lying underneath is that of utmost exhibition and contamination of atmosphere. The word ‘extraction’ may be interpreted to be a fancy term for trashing the Earth. Actually, it is quite difficult and miserable to imagine that one third of the planet’s natural resources and eighty per cent of its original forests are “gone”, while forty per cent of water is undrinkable now-a-days. Thereafter, the raw materials are moved to productive factories, which, every now and then, emit toxic chemicals, like Bromina

Realization in the Train

How would you feel when you find some of the passengers leaning outside the door of a moving train? How would you feel when you see them trying to jump from it in utmost fear of not having tickets?   It is truly a shame on all the human beings, who claim to be civilized and cultured from their untrue point-of-view. It seems as if they put on a perturbed facade, but as and when, it gets unravelled at some point of time, the futility and fatuity present in their so-called smartness, manners and etiquettes also lift their veils to become irrelevant in just a single moment. Actually, what lies underneath is just our pretence. Probably, they look so confident while leaning out, though they actually are not. Sometimes, some fatal accidents occur, partly because of the other reasons, but primarily due to the lack of caution, inherent in some of the passengers. Moreover, there are some men, who sometimes do not purchase tickets, and when the checker gets into the train, they feel phobic,

An Experience Suffused with Novelty

Last time, it was a magnificent journey from Howrah to Vellore. Even though, the destination usually seems to be long associated with medical treatment fundamentally, it was indeed an opportunity for a lifetime, not only to imbibe the entire essence of the travel by heart but also to explore how lenient and gentle the natural beauties are. At about half past eleven at night, the Pondicherry Express blew its whistle and thus we commenced. Mamma, Daddy, Uncle Prabir—everybody was full of great excitement and so was I. Meeting so many passengers inside the train was truly a perfect delight for many of us. Each person wants to gossip with others for spending the time. Daddy said, "Let's enjoy our dinner without further delay. So, what are we waiting for?" The jerking feeling along with the cool gust of the November wind and the wholesome foods, like two boiled eggs with a pinch of salt for each and rice, all turned the feelings divine. Uncle Manu, Auntie Ranu and othe

Soothing Clouds Provide Benediction

The grey clouds heaped up on one another and looking like a dark canvas are sometimes painted with lightning. The heavy rain has added more colour to the natural beauty of the city of Kolkata today. However, the drizzles are still there to soothe both the people and the region from the blistering temperature that increased up to 37 degree. Now it feels like the drops can heal and rescue all the residents from the previously premature, summer-like weather. In spite of this, the passengers as well as the pedestrians felt a kind of disgust while it was pouring cats and dogs. It appeared so because of their getting late in approaching the respective destinations. Still, the showers seemed to be emblematic of divine bliss and benediction to some of the people, as and when, the large drops filled up their hearts with utmost joy and mirth. It was evident when the children going to school were hopping on the puddles with their smiling faces. “Stop doing that, I say,” the mother of a pr

Modern 'Nonviolence', an Irony

  Modern Nonviolence, an Irony   Long ago, Mahatma Gandhi introduced the notion of ahimsa or non-violence to the Indian society, to nurture peace and goodwill in all human minds. But don't you think that it is confined to books alone, instead of being activated in today's practical world? Yes, it has become a farce in the 21 st  century. The holy term is being degraded day after day. Is this our civilisation? Some months ago, a horrifying road-accident at Uttarpara startled me, just as and when, the gory sight was visible. Kalyan Uncle and Ranu Auntie were waiting for the Salt Lake bound bus to come. Abruptly, a motor-bike collided against a truck. Consequently, the rider broke his skull, as if it was a pool of blood. Mom soothed me, "Close your eyes now. Don't watch it that makes you feel sick."   Most of the people just clicked their tongues and passed by. Doesn't this occurrence make all wonder that we, the so called human beings have turned brutal

Mental Pollution

  Mental Pollution   What is pollution? Why is it caused? Let us have a brief discussion regarding this. Our atmosphere was a pure one previously. We, the so-called human beings, have snatched the purity of our Mother Earth. We have made her impure. So, it is evident that the basic essence of pollution is not in the atmosphere itself. It is in our very minds. Yes, we are mentally and psychologically polluted. That is why we give away our venom all around. Yes, we emit venom all around. We are full of pride, jealousy, anger, violence and criminality. Hence, we cannot keep ourselves clean and pure from the heart. Do we indeed know how to love one another? Do we ever know how to do good to people? No doubt, without any hesitation, we do exactly what is on the opposite side of the coin. Therefore, it is evident that to clean and purify our environment, we need to clear our doubts that we are holy and pure. Let’s think exactly the opposite. If we know that we ourselves are too

Amphan’s Dread

  Amphan’s Dread The year of 2020 was indeed a dreadful year for all of us. Well, we don’t even know how the present year will be. Still, let’s hope for the best as usual. Let’s take a trip down the memory lane. Yes, we are in 2021 right now. But can we ever, can we ever forget the disasters of the previous year at all? Corona’s raid, Amphan’s dread instilled utmost panic in the minds of all of us. I can still recall the horrible night of Amphan. There was no electricity at all for a pretty long span of time. Although the span varied from place to place, the horror was the same almost to all and sundry. The roaring voice of the cyclone was audible from inside the rooms. Though the room was locked up in all respects, we could not get rid of the horror. That night, so many people were rendered homeless; so many people became bereft of their near and dear ones. It was a truly existential crisis. For the first time ever, I felt such insecurity from within. It was not I; it wa


  Treachery I feel a great commotion within my heart. Just as the restless Atlantic engulfs all up, my heart desires to sink in the absolute abyss. Yes, the word ‘friendship’ is indeed too easy to utter. It is pretty easy indeed to say that I am your friend indeed. However, it is that much hard, it takes that much effort to keep that promise, to fulfill the commitment. It is easy to say but hard to do. But when you are hurt by your friend indeed, whom you indeed believe to be your true friend, it is quite usual for you to feel that nothing matters in this world. The ground under your feet feels as if getting torn apart into pieces. You feel like the world has fallen apart that will never become usual. Love and affection for a friend is blind indeed. As and when your so-called friend deceives you with a false and fake feeling, with a sham sentiment, you don’t feel like the world is normal anymore. Yes, treachery breaks everything; it makes no noise but it pains a lot. Yes, my co

Funny birthday wishes for elder sister

Siblings are sometimes rivals to each other; sometimes they are best friends. They pull legs of each other; they have all that fun. The following is a versified birthday wish for an elder sister. Written from the vantage point of a younger sibling, the poem ventures to portray a birthday wish in an annoying yet funny manner.   A Funny Birthday Wish I know you care To flip your hair With a humble stare. Elder sister, You cause me blister With your honeyed tongue. How long? O, how long? Elder sister, my elder sister, That scary cockroach, remember? Elder sister, my elder sister, Why do you seem humbler? We both are siblings, Acting like quislings To each other, my dear. O, you are still dear. Happy birthday, sis! With a humble air kiss, I wish you happy returns, Many, many happy returns. Live long, live long! Stay strong, stay strong! I’d bring a strawberry cake With topping of cockroaches’ flake. And those pimples on your cheeks! I r

God’s Perceptible Presence

Today, I am going to share a story with you all. I have heard it somewhere. Let me retell it. Hope, you enjoy!   God’s Perceptible  Presence Once, a group of people were travelling on foot. Their leader was a hardcore atheist by nature. However, on the other hand, the other people, that is, the followers were staunch believers in God. The leader asked the followers, “I know that you all believe in God. Anyway, have you seen Him at all?” They remained silent. Anyway, the day was about to end with the last streak of the sun. Naturally, all the people had to make tents for themselves. Moreover, it was a desert that they were passing right then. Since it had grown dark, much dark, they decided to make the tents there. The night was over. The mild sunlight was there to illuminate the entire atmosphere. The leader came out of his tent stretching his hands with a yawn. Gradually, everyone came out. Thereafter, he asked them, “Do you people know that a camel passed by our tents las

Be Jealous or like a Flower?

Be Jealous or like a Flower? "Speech is silver, silence is golden."   We are all human beings. Therefore, the simple fact is that we all are meant to be human. Still, the truth that we are made of flesh and blood cannot be overlooked as well. That is why we fall victim to a number of vices and sins like Pride, Envy, Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, and so on and so forth. That is to say, after mentioning the Seven Deadly Sins, we cannot say that we are not prone to commit any other sin. Anyway, as to come to the point, we must admit that someone may feel jealous of us. Again, it may also be true that we feel jealous of someone. These are all common tidbits of human life full of fret and pain. Nevertheless, it is not at all desired that we will cling to our negative traits. If every inch of jealousy, if every inch of pride can be shattered into pieces with a bit of silence and an embrace of love, this world can become a much better place for a better tomorrow.

Can Creative Writing Be Taught?

  Can Creative Writing Be Taught?   “ Genius  must be born, and  never  can be  taught .” —John Dryden So, you must be thinking why such a quotation has been used for writing on such a topic, right? Yes, you are somewhat right, but not to its entirety. Let us now delve deep into the ocean of Dryden’s quote with a great splashing sound.   It is quite surprising to surmise the authenticity of the quotation in this regard. However, if we endeavour to dig out the oasis, we will definitely find some water, the life-giver. Can anything be taught unless and until we do will to learn the lessons and imbibe them into our hearts? The answer will probably be in the negative.   Yes, coming direct to our point, we must now perceive the fact that the expression “creative writing” is derived from the very word “create”. Does it resonate something in our hearts? Yes, I mean the Book of Genesis .   Creation is always divine. No matter where we belong, no matter how we are, it must be