Mental Pollution


Mental Pollution

 What is pollution? Why is it caused? Let us have a brief discussion regarding this.

Our atmosphere was a pure one previously. We, the so-called human beings, have snatched the purity of our Mother Earth. We have made her impure.

So, it is evident that the basic essence of pollution is not in the atmosphere itself. It is in our very minds. Yes, we are mentally and psychologically polluted. That is why we give away our venom all around.

Yes, we emit venom all around. We are full of pride, jealousy, anger, violence and criminality. Hence, we cannot keep ourselves clean and pure from the heart.

Do we indeed know how to love one another? Do we ever know how to do good to people? No doubt, without any hesitation, we do exactly what is on the opposite side of the coin.

Therefore, it is evident that to clean and purify our environment, we need to clear our doubts that we are holy and pure. Let’s think exactly the opposite.

If we know that we ourselves are too much polluted mentally, we can then easily find out that the pollution lies very much within our hearts, not in the atmosphere. It is we who have emitted the venom all around the earth.


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