
Showing posts with the label Creative Writing

Why Optimize after Demise?

  Today, I am going to share one of my most pondered experiences with you all. We all must die one day. Be it sooner or be it later, we must know that mortality haunts us all at the end of the day. Most irrationally or most surprisingly, we usually speak a few ‘good’ words about everyone. Well, the irony is that we generally do so after the demise of that human being. From time to time, we may observe that death receives the wreath from all of us. How crazy it feels to think of the fact that we usually treat ill with our eyesores during lifetime! The greater irony is that we never stop praising the dead one like a sycophant in his/her funeral ceremony. What’s the use? Life is short, extremely brief; hence, without any further delay, we all must try to live the life to the fullest. We desire to live our dreams, for sure, but when will we learn not to while our time away by criticizing all other people, eulogizing the seniors, poking or bullying the dark horses and all such ugly deed

Can Creative Writing Be Taught?

  Can Creative Writing Be Taught?   “ Genius  must be born, and  never  can be  taught .” —John Dryden So, you must be thinking why such a quotation has been used for writing on such a topic, right? Yes, you are somewhat right, but not to its entirety. Let us now delve deep into the ocean of Dryden’s quote with a great splashing sound.   It is quite surprising to surmise the authenticity of the quotation in this regard. However, if we endeavour to dig out the oasis, we will definitely find some water, the life-giver. Can anything be taught unless and until we do will to learn the lessons and imbibe them into our hearts? The answer will probably be in the negative.   Yes, coming direct to our point, we must now perceive the fact that the expression “creative writing” is derived from the very word “create”. Does it resonate something in our hearts? Yes, I mean the Book of Genesis .   Creation is always divine. No matter where we belong, no matter how we are, it must be

Need of Creative Writing

Is there any need to go beyond news writing in the realm of creative writing in the present scenario? Give your views on how to become a successful creative writer. The present scenario is suffused with the pandemic issues of COVID-19 or Corona. In this regard, apart from writing news articles, we can venture to write feature articles, poems, short stories, essays and so on and so forth. Apart from that, in order to become a successful creative writer, we need to have an attempt in a number of genres. So, without sticking to plain and simple news stories, we can expose ourselves to the other categories of creative writing as well. Yes, there is definitely a great need to go beyond news writing in the realm of writing, not only in the present scenario but also at all times. So, what are we waiting for? Let us plunge in to write and give the best. Like the volcanic eruption, let us all purge off the emotions and thoughts by means of writing. However, we need to build up our