
Showing posts with the label realtime trains

Realization in the Train

How would you feel when you find some of the passengers leaning outside the door of a moving train? How would you feel when you see them trying to jump from it in utmost fear of not having tickets?   It is truly a shame on all the human beings, who claim to be civilized and cultured from their untrue point-of-view. It seems as if they put on a perturbed facade, but as and when, it gets unravelled at some point of time, the futility and fatuity present in their so-called smartness, manners and etiquettes also lift their veils to become irrelevant in just a single moment. Actually, what lies underneath is just our pretence. Probably, they look so confident while leaning out, though they actually are not. Sometimes, some fatal accidents occur, partly because of the other reasons, but primarily due to the lack of caution, inherent in some of the passengers. Moreover, there are some men, who sometimes do not purchase tickets, and when the checker gets into the train, they feel phobic,

An Experience Suffused with Novelty

Last time, it was a magnificent journey from Howrah to Vellore. Even though, the destination usually seems to be long associated with medical treatment fundamentally, it was indeed an opportunity for a lifetime, not only to imbibe the entire essence of the travel by heart but also to explore how lenient and gentle the natural beauties are. At about half past eleven at night, the Pondicherry Express blew its whistle and thus we commenced. Mamma, Daddy, Uncle Prabir—everybody was full of great excitement and so was I. Meeting so many passengers inside the train was truly a perfect delight for many of us. Each person wants to gossip with others for spending the time. Daddy said, "Let's enjoy our dinner without further delay. So, what are we waiting for?" The jerking feeling along with the cool gust of the November wind and the wholesome foods, like two boiled eggs with a pinch of salt for each and rice, all turned the feelings divine. Uncle Manu, Auntie Ranu and othe