Dream to Become an Ideal Journalist

I dream to know and to explore the world from a large perspective. Apart from that, I yearn to speak the inevitable truth candidly enough, in order to convey it to the people. Simultaneously, I aspire to know the mass with much proximity and circulate their views also while expressing my own. Of course, I do intend to write creatively and freely enough so that I can hold my head high as an honest and as an established journalist.

I trust wholeheartedly that it is the significant role of a journalist to interact with all human beings, irrespective of their social status and so on. He ought to be an egalitarian indeed by his nature, in order never to discriminate between two persons, since he is the mirror of the society. I personally want to undertake this vocation by learning heart and soul how to perform my role as a responsible citizen. Instead of taking it as a dry duty, I want to connect myself to the democracy with my pen with utmost and unadulterated love for mankind.

Just like a humanitarian, just like a straightforward person, I want to establish the truth – both acceptable and heartless, since, be it sooner or be it later, we cannot ultimately defy and demean its eternal and intrinsic power.

To conclude, I must utter candidly that my honesty, my truthfulness urge me every now and then to become an impeccable print journalist.


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