God’s Perceptible Presence

Today, I am going to share a story with you all. I have heard it somewhere. Let me retell it. Hope, you enjoy!


God’s Perceptible


Once, a group of people were travelling on foot. Their leader was a hardcore atheist by nature. However, on the other hand, the other people, that is, the followers were staunch believers in God. The leader asked the followers, “I know that you all believe in God. Anyway, have you seen Him at all?” They remained silent.

Anyway, the day was about to end with the last streak of the sun. Naturally, all the people had to make tents for themselves. Moreover, it was a desert that they were passing right then. Since it had grown dark, much dark, they decided to make the tents there.

The night was over. The mild sunlight was there to illuminate the entire atmosphere. The leader came out of his tent stretching his hands with a yawn. Gradually, everyone came out.

Thereafter, he asked them, “Do you people know that a camel passed by our tents last night?”

“No, sir,” answered the subordinates. They asked him, “How do you say that, sir?”

“I don’t know, but I know that it passed us.”

“Have you seen it, sir? Or have you heard it either?” asked a daring subordinate.

“Come on. Don’t speak like a fool. I have neither seen it nor heard it. Still, I know that it passed us, because I felt it doing so.”

The followers all smiled and looked at one another.

Then the leader lost his temper and flared up, “Don’t you see these footprints? Who else’s can these be than belonging to a camel?”

Then the daring subordinate answered, “You’re absolutely right, sir. You could neither see not hear it. Still you felt its presence. Likewise, God’s presence can be felt everywhere. Lo! The sun has come up colouring the entire atmosphere. There are many more external evidences like this one. Can’t you feel God’s holy touch in everything now, sir?”

The leader became amazed.


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