
Fallible Falsehood

  Whenever somebody asks me, “How’s life?”, I immediately put my fake facade  on to say, “O, more than perfect! Thank you.” We desecrate our honest selves in the course of lying, in the course of being “smart”, in the course of trying to stay “up-to-date” and “modern”, and in the course of our ceaseless deception. Who doesn’t know that we all are paid back in the same coin? Well, none of us care, do we? It is a disgrace in the name of “humanity” that we nurture a beast lurking from our within. Well, in such a way, we keep nourishing the beast inside us with such love and care that, pretty often, we hardly find a moment to foster our humanity with actual love and affection, and with proper care and tenderness. But who cares for that? We keep pretending every now and then as if we are bereft of even the tiniest morsel of ill attitude. We showcase our happy being, in spite of knowing that none of us are so at all. The more the days fly away, the more the darkness of artificiality co

Grow Up

Time goes by; it flies away, so fast, faster than anything. We grow old day by day. But the question is – "Do we grow up? Or do we grow old only?" Sometimes, I wonder, "Time has changed; people have changed as well; what never has changed is the facade of human nature." How queer it is that we get changed day by day! Well, our masks are still the same. How pathetic! Isn't it? And it adds insult to the injury in the name of humanity. Why then do we feel morose? Why do we feel cheated? The answer is very simple. We could not, better to say, we did not recognise the inner selves of those people. Broadly speaking, even though we get to know the answer by any means, we all go in vain to accept the bitter truth. Well, we clamour for peace, we clamour for justice, we clamour for honesty, we clamour for truthfulness and so on and so forth. It is evident that we all are none other than a hypocrite, each one of us. Now, if we go back to the question asked previously, we c

Cold or Pure?

Yes, it’s winter now. The entire town has put on a white robe. People are here, people are there to enjoy fire camps. Indeed, Nature seems so harsh and cold. Still, her white robe of purity can never be denied. Well, how can, then, it be acceptable that the purity of Nature feels so cold, feels so harsh? Doesn’t it sound a bit perplexing? A piece of completely pure gold, for sure, cannot be turned into an ornament, without the addition of some adulteration. Thus, it is a fact, be it acceptable or not, that purely unadulterated substances do not usually seem that much attractive. We utter, every now and then, “All that glitters is not gold.” Things with glow are often bitter indeed. So is our life. The more we grow up, the more the chances of adulteration develop to turn us impure. We must have noticed in our lives and in our societies that purity is not rewarded usually. Yes, it is true as well that our virtues become triumphant in the long run. It is nothing other than our att

Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' Act 1, Scene 1

Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' Act 1, Scene 1 In the opening scene (Act 1, Scene 1) of William Shakespeare's five-act tragedy, Macbeth , we come across the three weird sisters or the three witches in a desert place. It was a heath. When they met one another, it was thundering and lightning. They decided to meet again in the same weather: "In thunder, lightning, or in rain". After the completion of the First Witch's dialogue, the Second Witch suggested that they should meet after the 'hurlyburly'. She also equivocated that they would meet when "the battle's lost and won". Then the Third Weird Sister expressed her view that they would meet one another before sunset. They finally resolved that they would meet one another on "the heath". They decided to meet Macbeth as well. Thereafter, after hearing their pets' cries, they were about to depart. Right then, they uttered the topsy turvy song: " Fair is foul, and foul is fair: H

A Bit about Myself

"Now, of my threescore years and ten, / Twenty will not come again", writes Alfred Edward Housman in his poem “Loveliest of Trees”, which, like all other creative pieces in the world, does impart a precious lesson upon all human beings that each man does need to and have to make something new, as and when, he stays alive, since, mankind is encompassed with temporal limits since birth. Like all others, I, too, foster an utmost desire to fructify my dreams in reality. Having lost twenty-seven priceless years in my life, I look forward to wasting no more time, in order to hold my head high and to make a place for myself in the world. Of course, every person is gifted with a talent, but his genius lies in its utilization. That is to say, I yearn to endeavor heart and soul and make the most of it, in order to contribute something to my Mother Earth. It is genuine and true that I dream to be a good writer, but simultaneously, I ought to acknowledge that one's vocation can

Duty of Both the Sides

Do you trust that media has lost its credibility? Don't you opine that everything is as usual? A few weeks ago, Manisha overheard a conversation in the local train, while she was returning home from her college. Three or four ladies were busy in discussing about the credibility that media holds at present. They believed, “ It is the media that tries to cater spicy news to the people for its own profit. ” One of them said, “ I can make a mention of the accident, in which, the youth was pushed out off the train. Don't you think that the news channels overtly emphasized the issue? ” Sometime later, another lady commented, “ ...but I'm of the opinion that print media is indispensable even now-a-days. Yes, it is true that there's something corrupt in everything, still we can't live without it, because living without media is like a life with no light. ” It became intolerable for Manisha to listen to the ongoing discourse any more. She, abruptly, protested, “ No

Dream to Become an Ideal Journalist

I dream to know and to explore the world from a large perspective. Apart from that, I yearn to speak the inevitable truth candidly enough, in order to convey it to the people. Simultaneously, I aspire to know the mass with much proximity and circulate their views also while expressing my own. Of course, I do intend to write creatively and freely enough so that I can hold my head high as an honest and as an established journalist. I trust wholeheartedly that it is the significant role of a journalist to interact with all human beings, irrespective of their social status and so on. He ought to be an egalitarian indeed by his nature, in order never to discriminate between two persons, since he is the mirror of the society. I personally want to undertake this vocation by learning heart and soul how to perform my role as a responsible citizen. Instead of taking it as a dry duty, I want to connect myself to the democracy with my pen with utmost and unadulterated love for mankind. Just li