Grow Up

Time goes by; it flies away, so fast, faster than anything. We grow old day by day. But the question is – "Do we grow up? Or do we grow old only?"

Sometimes, I wonder, "Time has changed; people have changed as well; what never has changed is the facade of human nature." How queer it is that we get changed day by day! Well, our masks are still the same. How pathetic! Isn't it? And it adds insult to the injury in the name of humanity.

Why then do we feel morose? Why do we feel cheated? The answer is very simple. We could not, better to say, we did not recognise the inner selves of those people. Broadly speaking, even though we get to know the answer by any means, we all go in vain to accept the bitter truth.

Well, we clamour for peace, we clamour for justice, we clamour for honesty, we clamour for truthfulness and so on and so forth. It is evident that we all are none other than a hypocrite, each one of us.

Now, if we go back to the question asked previously, we can obviously find out that the reason behind the question is hypocrisy alone. None of us can live without this reason. We love, we admire and we salute a pack of beautiful lies, and we spend our time away in such falsehood growing old. In this regard, the more we love the truth, the more we obtain upliftment from within to grow up.

Still, hypocrisy does not desert us, for sure, until and unless we believe in the truth and its activation. Truthfulness gives birth to honesty, honesty does so to justice and justice gifts us pure peace.


  1. একজন সংবেদনশীল কবির ব্যথিত মন নানা বৈষম্যে ধ্বস্ত চারপাশের বদলে - যাওয়া চেনা পৃথিবীটাকে যেন আতস কাঁচের নীচে ফেলে নির্মোহ এক বিশ্লেষণে দেখলেন তাঁর ওমনিবাসের বৈচিত্র্যময় পাতায় ..! আমার মনে হোলো গভীর গভীরতর এক আত্মোপলব্ধির এক অসাধারণ চিত্রন । করোনার অভিশপ্ত কাল আবিশ্ব মানুষের চেতনার মূল ধরে নাড়া দিয়ে গেছে । আজন্ম- লালিত মূল্যবোধেরও পাল্টেছে দিশা -- যার হদিস মেলে ইতিপূর্বে প্রকাশিত আমাদের চেনা কবি সোমালির শক্তিশালী" ব্লগ "-কলমে -- : " ... just try always to streach your wings / Accross the azure sky ..." অথবা " ... radiant beams fall , / on the snow from the sun's holy face ". একেবারে আধুনিক দার্শনিক মনন আর আত্মবিশ্বাসে ভরপুর ‌‌কবি সোমালি যখন লেখেন : " still , hypocrisy does not desert us, for sure, until and unless we believe in the truth and and its activation ... " তখন সত্যিই -- হতাশার গহন আঁধারে ডুবেও মনের কোণে জেগে ওঠে একখণ্ড আশার রূপোলি মেঘ !

    1. In "the general drama of pain", in this melancholy morose world, in this era, we all have lost so much, for sure. We're looking for an answer in one way or the other. Yes, we need life in the truest sense of the term. As and when such an amazing response knocks me, I feel so lucky to find that I can be the reason for a smile. I can't help shedding tears of joy. I do look forward to hearing everyone's voice to stay full of life and light.
      Surely, I'll hear from you more and always.
      May God bless you richly. Stay happy and safe forever. Keep smiling always. 😊

  2. I am really honoured by your expression of joy my favourite poet ..! stay blessed & be merry .


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