
Volleys of Questions

  Who are we? What is our identity? Where did we all come from? Well, which is our actual destination? There are questions after questions that buzz in my mind almost always. Wait! I never think that these questions are my monopoly. Neither am I supposed to think that too. Be it sooner or be it later, at some point of time during our lives, we presumably face such questions as if they are pounding out from our within. Broadly speaking, our split selves, perhaps, play a very significant role in this regard. Years roll away like a moving stone without any moss. Yes, time does, does fly away in the twinkling of an eye. We grow old day by day, but the question is: “Do we grow up or do we just grow old?” The answer is given to us on our own, provided we spare some time to listen to our within. It is very easy indeed to speak like this, isn’t it? Yes, you’re right in thinking, absolutely correct, that I’m no exception to this as well. It takes a lot of ease to speak, but it takes a great

Why Optimize after Demise?

  Today, I am going to share one of my most pondered experiences with you all. We all must die one day. Be it sooner or be it later, we must know that mortality haunts us all at the end of the day. Most irrationally or most surprisingly, we usually speak a few ‘good’ words about everyone. Well, the irony is that we generally do so after the demise of that human being. From time to time, we may observe that death receives the wreath from all of us. How crazy it feels to think of the fact that we usually treat ill with our eyesores during lifetime! The greater irony is that we never stop praising the dead one like a sycophant in his/her funeral ceremony. What’s the use? Life is short, extremely brief; hence, without any further delay, we all must try to live the life to the fullest. We desire to live our dreams, for sure, but when will we learn not to while our time away by criticizing all other people, eulogizing the seniors, poking or bullying the dark horses and all such ugly deed

The Act of Sharing

There are so many things we have to share with one another, right? Well, some of us do misuse this idea of sharing. We say, “Sharing is caring.” The funny thing is that we use the quote in the incorrect context a number of times, sometimes reluctantly, sometimes deliberately. What is our motive behind all these then? Well, do we then take the idea of sharing for granted? It is a matter of misfortune that we, many of us, leap before we look instead of looking before we leap. Why don’t we think a bit deeper? Yes, let’s look back at the opening sentence once again. Let us no more utter, “There are so many things we have to share with one another.” Instead, let all of us utter it a bit differently, “There are so many things that we love to share with one another.” As and when we resolve to speak from the bottom of our hearts using our conscience, we are supposed to bring positive energy not only to ourselves but also to this entire world. Yes, it will take much time indeed. Still, let

Our Divinity

  I kept walking up and down, up and down, while pondering on what to write about. I had in my mind a turbulence going on. This was so because I, at the back of my mind, was wondering about a topic on which I could write. It was painful from the inside while perplexing from the outside. I need to write something well so that I can publish it in the blog. However, thanks entirely to the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient, right now I am seated in front of my computer, and, what is more, this is being written all on a sudden and extemporaneously. Broadly speaking, it is never a matter of pride and boast; it is rather a matter of astonishment and motivation. Well, I thank, praise and glorify solely my God for all of these and for everything. Yes, nothing is impossible. It is up to us what we are going to think about, how we are going to feel it, and whether we are going to execute our divinity. Well, we all have some superpower within each of us. All we have to do is to dig that

The Rainbow

  Human life is full of neither joy nor sorrow altogether. It is neither black nor white. Well, it is rather grey in hue. Life gives us tests after tests for the sake of seasoning us. Now, the question is: “How do we take them?” It is surely up to us whether we will take the tests as a challenge to fight back or as a source of negative thoughts to break down. Well, is there anybody whose life is full of weal through and through? Again, is there anybody whose life is woeful completely? We all are aware of the answer to the above-mentioned  questions, aren’t we? There will be sun; there will be rain. There will be light; there will be darkness. There will be ups; there will be downs. There will be victory; there will be defeat. However, irrespective of anything, life goes on. In this regard, it must be noted that even though there is appreciation, there is no assurance that there will be no criticism. Well, why don’t we think that a rainbow steals our heart after the heavy rain? Th

Mothers’ Love

  Mothers’ love is the most powerful love in the universe. In spite of knowing the fact, many of us, including me, don’t remember this in the real life most of the time. We can find our best friend in her; we can find our first teacher in her; we can find our greatest comforter in her; yet, we give a vent to our fret and pain by blaming her sometimes, or should we say, most of the time. The very fact is that we are sure that we will always be comforted with her loving touch, with her magic of affection. Still, we misbehave; still, we hurt her from time to time. Yes, we say ‘sorry’ to her again and again. Then, don’t we say so from our very within? We repeat the act; we disobey her; we, at times, try to justify our misdeeds. Moreover, it is not the end. It goes on and on day after day. Then, one day, we suddenly realise our mistakes, but it is too late then. Let us all love one another from the core of our hearts as long as we are here. Come, let us all act in a positive way so that w

Fallible Falsehood

  Whenever somebody asks me, “How’s life?”, I immediately put my fake facade  on to say, “O, more than perfect! Thank you.” We desecrate our honest selves in the course of lying, in the course of being “smart”, in the course of trying to stay “up-to-date” and “modern”, and in the course of our ceaseless deception. Who doesn’t know that we all are paid back in the same coin? Well, none of us care, do we? It is a disgrace in the name of “humanity” that we nurture a beast lurking from our within. Well, in such a way, we keep nourishing the beast inside us with such love and care that, pretty often, we hardly find a moment to foster our humanity with actual love and affection, and with proper care and tenderness. But who cares for that? We keep pretending every now and then as if we are bereft of even the tiniest morsel of ill attitude. We showcase our happy being, in spite of knowing that none of us are so at all. The more the days fly away, the more the darkness of artificiality co