The Rainbow


Human life is full of neither joy nor sorrow altogether. It is neither black nor white. Well, it is rather grey in hue. Life gives us tests after tests for the sake of seasoning us. Now, the question is: “How do we take them?”

It is surely up to us whether we will take the tests as a challenge to fight back or as a source of negative thoughts to break down. Well, is there anybody whose life is full of weal through and through? Again, is there anybody whose life is woeful completely?

We all are aware of the answer to the above-mentioned questions, aren’t we? There will be sun; there will be rain. There will be light; there will be darkness. There will be ups; there will be downs. There will be victory; there will be defeat.

However, irrespective of anything, life goes on. In this regard, it must be noted that even though there is appreciation, there is no assurance that there will be no criticism. Well, why don’t we think that a rainbow steals our heart after the heavy rain? The gloomier the atmosphere is, the sweeter does the rainbow taste. It is not only a visual treat but also a source of peace and mirth to all our within.

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  1. একদম সঠিক আত্মবিশ্লেষণ ! জীবনের বর্ণময়তাকে আঁকড়ে থাকার নিরন্তর প্রয়াস। রবিঠাকুরের গানের কলি মনে এল ..." আমি কেবলই স্বপন করেছি বপন আকাশে .." আপনাকে অনেক অনেক অভিনন্দন।

    1. O, did I ever visualise such majestic honour for such humble writings? I feel so blessed that my words can't suffice. Drops of tears roll down my cheeks. I fail to recognise what these teardrops try to speak of. May God bless you always.


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