The Act of Sharing

There are so many things we have to share with one another, right? Well, some of us do misuse this idea of sharing. We say, “Sharing is caring.” The funny thing is that we use the quote in the incorrect context a number of times, sometimes reluctantly, sometimes deliberately. What is our motive behind all these then? Well, do we then take the idea of sharing for granted?

It is a matter of misfortune that we, many of us, leap before we look instead of looking before we leap. Why don’t we think a bit deeper? Yes, let’s look back at the opening sentence once again.

Let us no more utter, “There are so many things we have to share with one another.” Instead, let all of us utter it a bit differently, “There are so many things that we love to share with one another.” As and when we resolve to speak from the bottom of our hearts using our conscience, we are supposed to bring positive energy not only to ourselves but also to this entire world. Yes, it will take much time indeed. Still, let us all ask ourselves, “Why don’t we plant the seed of peace and everything positive right now?”

No matter who we are, where we are, how we are and so on, let us take a bold step that can change the world slowly but surely.


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  1. বাঃ, এই মিউচুয়াল ভাবনার অপূর্ব বিশ্লেষণে যেন ফিরে এলো বিশ্বকবির 'মিলাবে-মিলিবে'- র দর্শন -- " দিবে আর নিবে মেলাবে মিলিবে যাবেনা ফিরে / এই ভারতের মহামানবের সাগরতীরে "‌... বৃহত্তর সমাজজীবনে যেমন , তেমনি অন্তরঙ্গ জীবনবোধের আলোতেও এর অপরিহার্য গ্ৰহণযোগ্যতা ...! বেশ ভালো লাগলো। আপনার পরবর্তী লেখার জন্য প্রতীক্ষায় রইলাম । 🎉👍

    1. I've got no words to express how I feel right now. 😭 The only thing I would like to say is that this world must have human beings like you. May God bless you richly. 😊😀


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