
Steps to write an informational article for the foundation magazine of an institute

Steps to write an informational article for the foundation magazine of an institute No matter whether you want to write for your college, for your school or for your university, you must possess an earnest will coupled with a flair for writing. An earnest writer, first and foremost, must write from the heart. He/She must be sincere and honest to his/her own emotions and feelings. Mind it or not, it must be admitted that we all have some kind of flair for writing, be it more or be it less. Therefore, without any fumble and without any stumble, we can write great pieces. So, what is the key to this notion? Whenever  we sit to write, we must get sure that we cannot outsmart our honesty. That is to say, we may be dishonest to some extent in our life, even though that, too, is unwanted, but we must always be very much honest, or should we say, more than our so-called honesty in case of penning down a write-up. Now let us mark the following points for writing an informational article: 1. Be

Inserting Page Number in a Document

What is the use of assigning a page number to every page of a Word document?/  How would you insert page number in Word documents? Insertion of page numbers to every page of a document helps us maintain the continuity in reading that document. Apart from that, page number should be inserted for making sure that the document is written in organised methods. When we need to turn to a certain number of page, for, say, Page 15, we require the insertion of page numbers to every page of the said document. Let us now take a glance how to insert page numbers to every page of a document: 1. Open the file: At first, you need to open that MS Word file in which you need to insert page numbers. If you have to start a new file, then right click on the screen. Select "New". Then select "Microsoft Word Document". 2. Go to Insert Menu: Thereafter, go to "Insert Menu" on top of the document. You can pretty well find out the menu on the menu bar. 3. Insert page number: Then

Birthday wish for the best friend who is hospitalized for COVID-19 infection

  Birthday wish for the best friend who is hospitalized for  COVID-19 infection COVID-19 has preyed upon many lives. It has made a number of people lose their near and dear ones. But we must keep it in mind that life is meant for living. Yes, the dead are dead, but the living are still living. The following verse is written from the vantage point of a friend who desires to wish happy birthday to his/her best friend who is hospitalized for COVID-19 infection. I hope that you enjoy this little poem. Thank you.   Happy Birthday Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Let the tables turn; Let this day return Again and again; I feel insane Without you, my dear; Our friendship’s sheer. O, my best friend, Amity has no end; Best wishes for you; Nothing can hurt you, For you will stay girt With the love from my heart. Do not feel morose; Life, as usual, goes, But our amity will bring You back to health and sing The glories of life, Banishing age-old strife.

A letter about Fasting Prayer

Why do we fast? Why do we pray? Are these two terms named "fasting" and "praying" associated with each other? We need to answer these questions ourselves since the answers vary from person to person. However, the poetic letter written below, perchance, contains one of the answers. The following is a sample letter about fasting prayer in the form of a verse: A Letter of Fasting Prayer Heartiest greetings to all of you, my brothers and sisters! Glory be to God in the highest! Let us all shrug off all our fears, all our tears In the holy name of God, the Greatest. Do we indeed remember That He did fast for forty days and nights? Let us congregate in the fasting prayer Bidding farewell to all lifelong fights. Let us pray, let us pray, "O, God, gift us listening ears And an obedient and grateful heart"; Let us say, let all say, "O, Lord, drive away all our fears, Drive away our spiritual dirt." Let us get united, O, all fellows; He is the Lord; He is

How to write a lockdown diary?

  A Lockdown Diary Such a pandemic has indeed preyed upon the lives of all human beings, irrespective of gender, creed, hierarchy, status and so on and so forth. We have become pure petty puppets in the rancorous ravenous paws of COVID-19. Truly, our pride has met its opportune fall. We are all aware of the proverb “Pride hath its fall”, but have we ever, ever given a little thought upon it? If we think over the matter, if we start noting down our mental upheavals in a diary, we can very well delve deep inside. The lockdown seemingly was a boring period for many of us. Actually, it was a great time for purgation, for expiation, and for self-realisation. That is why we need to maintain a diary in each and every step of our lives. In future, it will not only remain as a marvellous piece of literature but also as a great flashback of self-purgation. Moreover, it is needless to mention that we need to maintain our diary always, not only during the lockdown period, but even in the r

Nature and style of sensible writing in PowerPoint

Yes, we are all aware how to make a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. We require its application in almost each step of our life nowadays. So, today, let us have a cursory glance at the nature and style of sensible writing in a PowerPoint presentation. 1. Bullets: Use bullets to make the points in all the slides. 2. Highlight: Highlight those points on which you need to put stress or emphasis. 3. Crispness: Remember that you need to keep all the points crisp. The crisper and the more to-the-point the points are, the more sensible your writing will become. 4. Fewer words: Use fewer words in writing. Do not explain the points to its entirety in the written slides. Do keep in mind that you need to explain those points verbally. So, when you make a slide, use the required words only. Keep it short and simple. 5. Simple language: Keep it in mind that you do not need to write in an ornamental language to make a PowerPoint presentation. You make a presentation to convey your t

An Introduction to Sonnet/Different types of Sonnet

An Introduction to Sonnet/Different types of Sonnet Sonnet is a form of verse. It has its origin in Italy. A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines. Generally, they consist of five iambic feet in each line. Now, we need to know what an iambic feet is. In an iambic foot, an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one. That is to say, we first meet an unaccented syllable, then an accented one. For example, when we pronounce the word "rewrite", we must note that the syllable "write" is given the accent. However, in "rewrite", "write" is the root or the kernel word. Now I suppose that we have got a hang of it. Let's come back to the main discussion. Sonnets can be of three subgenres, namely, the Petrarchan sonnet, the Spenserian sonnet and the Shakespearean sonnet. The Petrarchan sonnet has an octet and a sestet. The octet or octave carries a comparison. The sestet brings out the true meaning. It has the rhyme scheme of either abba abba cde cde