
Showing posts from November, 2020

An Introduction to Sonnet/Different types of Sonnet

An Introduction to Sonnet/Different types of Sonnet Sonnet is a form of verse. It has its origin in Italy. A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines. Generally, they consist of five iambic feet in each line. Now, we need to know what an iambic feet is. In an iambic foot, an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one. That is to say, we first meet an unaccented syllable, then an accented one. For example, when we pronounce the word "rewrite", we must note that the syllable "write" is given the accent. However, in "rewrite", "write" is the root or the kernel word. Now I suppose that we have got a hang of it. Let's come back to the main discussion. Sonnets can be of three subgenres, namely, the Petrarchan sonnet, the Spenserian sonnet and the Shakespearean sonnet. The Petrarchan sonnet has an octet and a sestet. The octet or octave carries a comparison. The sestet brings out the true meaning. It has the rhyme scheme of either abba abba cde cde


Let us begin with a small verse on acrostic: Acrostic, acrostic, You read so fantastic. Let me too try To soar in the open sky. When you sound so free, I have an enjoyment spree. We all do love to write acrostics. Anyway, what are they? We know that they expand like the petals to form a flower from a bud. They provide us great amazement and fun while going through them. Here are a few acrostics written below. I hope that you enjoy them. It is the first time that I venture to publish three of my acrostics. They are on three words, namely, Garden , Believe and Faith . Garden G-row A R-ich, D-ivine and E-thereal N-otion Indeed, a garden grows in a rich, divine and ethereal manner with a holy idea. It is a creation of God, for sure. All other creatures will love us if we love every creation and esteem them for sure.   Believe B-ehind E-ach L-ife I E-xperience V-ital E-ternity Truly, each and every living creature possesses some kind of vita

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a wonderful and sensational creation by J. K. Rowling, is better known as Hogwarts. The school belongs to the fictional universe of J. K. Rowling's master creation of the character called Harry Potter. A public, secondary and boarding school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry first appeared to us in the novel called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone . Founded supposedly in the ninth or in the tenth century in the fantastic world of magic, the school is owned by the Ministry of Magic. This imaginary British boarding school of magic is the principal locus of the first six books in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. In the series of novels, we find it somewhere in Scotland. However, we must keep it in mind that it is a fictional world of magic. We come to find in this novel that the imaginary school is mainly targeted to teach magic to the students between the ages of eleven to eighteen. The four houses of the scho